The previous essay would please John Loftus who developed the outsider test: look at your religion as you would any other. Should you find their miracles suspect, why not yours and should you question their scriptures, why not yours and should you question their method of salvation, don't special plead for yours, and so why not yours?
The young man has passed the test without ever having any religion. No, that does not mean that he was biased against all in that he was an atheist and still is.
Behold: when one looks all around herself, she sees Nature at work. When she studies causes, she sees only natural ones at work. When she studies patterns in biology, she sees only mechanisms and patterns, not intent and design
Again when she look around, she does not wonder why there is something rather than nothing as she realizes that nothingness reflects absurdity.
When she views accidentally some televangelist making miracles, she knows that they are either frauds or just serendipity- luck of remission at play, with no intent for the miracle.
Why, she accepts reality without the need for the superstition of any religion!
She, like Diderot, realizes that reality can be more productive and - make for that more abundant life and for more awesomeness!
Why cannot more people accept Diderot's evangel- his good tidings of naturalism?
Here we need psychological tools to accept the superstitious-addicted to overcome their addiction to superstition! We need sarcasm and emotions, because philosophy and science cannot without them impress themselves over the addicted!
At age sixteen, the emotion I felt against Hell impressed me so much that I knew that no God would establish such a place. And that the Bible erred so much.
Later, I found that whilst at first there were apologetics I could not fathom why they were wrong, the answers came. Now, I make up my own anti-apologetic arguments.Here are my three blogs against apologetics, where you might offer up yours: